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mars has strange behaviour -- how to package?

mars-nwe is a netware server, which I'm working on packaging.
However, it has some behaviour which is not entirely policy-friendly.


1. It likes to print out a "starting up" type message of its own;
   should I just redirect it to /dev/null?

2. It provides a way to kill itself, rather than using start-stop-daemon;
   which should I use? Unfortunately bugs in the version I tried to
   package most recently with libc6 means it wouldn't die at all, but
   I've got a newer version to try now.

3. When you kill it, it wants 10 seconds to shutdown. This is quite 
   reasonable, because it likes to notify all the logged in Netware
   users it has before it logs them out. Can I just put in a sleep
   to wait until it is gone, or some other check to wait until it has
   finished? It also likes to print some messages when it is being
   killed -- more trouble, see #1.

Hamish Moffatt, hamish@debian.org, hamish@rising.com.au, hmoffatt@mail.com
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