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Re: Unknown lintian warning

Ben Gertzfield wrote:
>  W: libforms0.86: shlib-without-dependency-information

"dependency information" in this case refers to the dynamic
dependencies of the library.  The lintian warning means that the
library was not explicitly linked against the C library that it uses.
(Doing so has the advantage that the dynamic linker can detect
attempts to link a program with a mixture of libc5-based and
libc6-based libraries.)

Normally this is pretty easy to do, just pass -lc to the linker
when you create the shared library.  But since libforms is only
distributed in binary form, there's not much that can be done
about it.  I doubt the XForms people are going to make a new
release of an old version.

I don't know if it would be better in this case to add a lintian
override for this warning, or to leave it open as a bug that can't be
fixed.  (Or perhaps tell lintian to check this only in main and

What do you usually do with bugs in binary-only packages?

Richard Braakman

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