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Re: autoup.sh & considerations on bail-out scripts

On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, David Welton wrote:

> It seems as though the only way to execute a script non interactively
> with plain ftp is with the use of a .netrc file.  The script could
> check to make sure the file does not exist, ask the user to create it,
> write the commands to the file, and run ftp, cleaning it up
> afterwards.

First off, wget with FTP url's might be the best choice. Easy to use, and
seems to be fairly robust. Bit verbose though.

Other than that we could fall back to some perl code but that is risky
if perl breaks during the upgrade.

However - I seem to recall that the autoup script uses wildcard matching..
In this case a bit of C code to pull down the packages file and generate a
URL list might be all that is needed? 

Another possibility is lftp, it is fairly usefull for this sort of thing,
put your commands in a file and then lftp < file. lftp is very good about
transparent failure handling so that would likely work very well. This is
the simplest I think and is about as robust as the wget method. Of course
people need to have lftp installed, but it is tiny.


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