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Using hamm? READ THIS about /usr/spool and related links...

FYI: I have just sent this to debian-user.

[ I do Bcc: instead of Cc: to avoid duplication, if there are any replies ]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 22:32:05 +0100 (CET)
From: Santiago Vila Doncel <sanvila@unex.es>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Using hamm? READ THIS about /usr/spool and related links...



This mail is intended for the user who is running the current Debian
unstable distribution (a.k.a. hamm).

I'm the Debian maintainer who removed the /usr/spool symlink and some
other symlinks that were part of the `base-files' package...

Not only the FHS but also the old FSSTND says that the mail spool is
/var/spool/mail, so every program should look for mail there, not
in /usr/spool/mail.

Everything that the FSSTND and the FHS says about the symlink
/usr/spool -> /var/spool is that it "may be present" (but it is not

It also says "Once a system no longer requires any one of the above
symbolic links, the link may be removed, if desired."

Well, our goal for Debian 2.0 is obviously to comply with the standards,
so we *must* modify all our software to use /var/spool and not /usr/spool.

But then: How will we know which programs do not use /var/spool yet?
The answer is very simple: Just remove the symlinks and see which programs
break. Of course, this has to be done in *unstable*, where every
program may break.

So if a program breaks because it uses /usr/spool, *that* is a bug.

If you want to help us on this, you may report all those bugs through the
Debian bug tracking system, see /usr/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt or

[ Of course, if you want to help us even more, you may take a look at
the bug database first to make sure that the bug is not already reported ].

As it is often said: I apologize for the inconvenience, etc. etc.


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