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Processing commands for control@bugs.debian.org:

> reassign 17443 uucp
Bug#17443: README typo in UUCP package
Bug assigned to package `uucp'.

> reassign 17446 netpbm
Bug#17446: netpbm seems to depend on col (from bsdmainutils)
Bug assigned to package `netpbm'.

> reassign 17459 libc5
Bug#17459: libc5: There's no need to reboot every time you upgrade!
Bug assigned to package `libc5'.

> reassign 17481 general
Bug#17481: hotjava: hotjava has disappeared from hamm
Bug reassigned from package `hotjava' to `general'.

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Ian Jackson
(administrator, Debian bugs database)

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