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Intent to package access, sendmail access- and relay-control


(hope I'm doing this right :-)

In response to the large relay-problem at our site, one of the admins
at our site made an access and relay-control package to sendmail.
Being rather simple to install and easy to configure, I decided to
make a Debian package out of it, and let that be my first contribution
to the Debian project.

The package is GPL'ed.

I have made a .deb package out of it, but as for automatic
configuration and the putting-things-into-sendmail.mc stuff I leave
that to the local admin until I figure out a way to do it safely.

The original tar.Z archive, if anyone is interested, can be found at

 SSM - Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
  Trust the Computer, the Computer is your Friend

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