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Re: Mailing list policy

On Thu, 22 Jan 1998, Noel Maddy wrote:

> "David Z. Maze" <dmaze@donut.mit.edu> wrote:
> > What if we created a debian-unstable mailing list, like debian-user
> > but specifically targeted for the current unstable distribution?  This 
> > would give a clear place to ask i.e. libc5-to-libc6 upgrade questions
> > without clogging up debian-devel or debian-user.
> Speaking as a non-developer who typically follows unstable very closely,
> I think this would be ideal.  Right now, I lurk in debian-devel, just
> because that's where issues with the unstable release are dealt with. 

I can only feel the same. I sometimes forget I am not a developer and
mix myself in policy discussions that are going on in debian-devel, but
they should take place in debian-policy, anyway. I think the
debian-unstable list would provide a clear separation of the list. Also,
policy discussions should probably move to debian-policy because that's
what debian-policy is for.

> If you provide debian-unstable, then that would give me just what I need
> for now. 

I would certainly subscribe to it, and probably be able to answer a
question now and then, just like on debian-user.

> There's no use clogging either debian-user or debian-devel with messages
> from unstable users (well, users of the unstable release, anyway ;) --
> and debian-unstable would provide a proper place for such messages. 

Yes, indeed.

Count me as one vote for debian-unstable, though I do not have the
illusion that I have any rights to vote on this matter. :-)

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