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jgoerzen@complete.org (John Goerzen)  wrote on 15.01.98 in <[🔎] 87d8htjl48.fsf@garfield.complete.org>:

> Elm is currently set to pass off messages containing high-ASCII
> characters to sendmail with the -B8BITMIME option, which causes
> sendmail to do the right thing according to SMTP protocol (7 bit).
> sendmail rewrites the message using quoted-printable MIME.

I'd hope that sendmail first tries to deliver it via ESMTP 8BITMIME before  
rewriting it, otherwise this would be the most useless feature ever.

> I received a bug report recently (#17103) stating that Elm doesn't
> handle 8-bit characters properly.  It seems to work fine on my
> system.  The MTA in question is Exim.  Is it possible that Exim
> doesn't support -B8BITMIME?  (Which has been in sendmail for a LONG
> time).  If so, is this a bug in Exim or Elm?  And why?

Personally, I'd call it a bug in Elm, for assuming every MTA supports that  
flag. Exim doesn't, and neither, it seems, does Smail. So Elm should at  
least be configurable.

MfG Kai

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