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Re: Problems using liblockfile.

miquels@cistron.nl (Miquel van Smoorenburg) writes:

> Well, the lock is defined as
> /var/spool/mail/USERNAME.lock

Right, it liblockfile never got that far.  It tried to create the file
/var/spool/mail/.lk05558fraven and then fell over because it didn't
have sufficient permissions.

> >(Shouldn't fetchmail, smail, sendmail, etc. be converted to
> >liblockfile?  We could be losing mail otherwise, no?)
> Not if they use the same locking policy. Sendmail uses an external program
> to do its locking; usually that's procmail or deliver and both of them
> use NFS-safe dotlocking.

So you're saying they all do in fact use compatible mechanisms
(i.e. locking the same filename, and doing it without race

> Emacs' movemail can be run setuid can't it? Setgid mail would be enough
> in this case however.

Actually, supposedly it can, and it has to be for its pop access
option to work.

In any case, it would probably be good if all the programs were
standardized to use liblockfile (or the maillock binary you
mentioned).  This would mean that mail locking policy changes would be
trivial to implement.

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
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