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Re: smail ( and ppp issues

"Marcelo E. Magallon" <mmagallo@efis.ucr.ac.cr> writes:

> I even switched to sendmail! And it's more forgiving (and I'd say, easier 
> to configure), but I had some problems and gave up. More important,
> sendmail is overkill.
> Given the fact that smail is Debian's default MTA, and that there are huge
> ammounts of people using Debian the way I do at home, shouldn't smail
> provide a sixth option called "PPP connection" that takes care, AND
> EXPLAINS, all this? Before releasing 2.0?
> PPP configuration should be worked out, too. Recently a couple of users in
> debian-user have complained about the discrepancies between the PPP howto
> and Debian's setup. The PPP howto is fine, but a user configuring Debian's
> PPP shouldn't be pointed to that document.
> I hope this opens up some discussion...

I completely agree.  Although I'm using PPP as provide and "configured"
by Debian, I'm also having some problems with smail.  It may help to
know that I also use diald (with the excellent diald control tool :-). 

Before changing to smail I used sendmail which nicely queued all
outgoing email until I ran 'sendmail -q' when I had a connection up.
Although smail has a "defer_no_connect" it still gets to send email
out.  I guess this is probably due to the fact that I have diald
running.  However, sendmail did not have this problem.  This seems to
be documented nowhere, but I think it should.  Further, smail's
documentation is out of date (the guide, that is) and the man pages
are (at least to me) moreor less unclear.  Sendmail may be big, but
it has at least more than decent documentation. 

The main reason I switched to smail is the easy possibility to do
header rewriting, which is rather complex with sendmail.  (Maybe it's
possible for the sendmail maintainer to look into this and to check
out what's possible. I believe the url involved is www.lege.com). 

So, I'm rather stuck between our two main MTAs.  It would indeed be
very nice to have at least one (and preferably both) working for
people with a PPP connection combined with MTA header rewriting. 

> Marcelo


Ardo van Rangelrooij
home email: ardo.van.rangelrooij@tip.nl, ardo@debian.org
home page:  http://www.tip.nl/users/ardo.van.rangelrooij
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