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Re: linking non-us distribution from Debian web pages

On Mon, 12 Jan 1998, James A.Treacy wrote:

> Is it ok to put in links to the non-us distribution from the
> Debian web pages? To date there have not been any. There have
> only been textual references to it. It would be rather
> convenient if we allow such links.
> Some of you may think this is silly, but there are possible
> legal ramifications. I could easily see a computer illiterate
> lawyer thinking that a link from our page based in the US means
> we are exporting it from the US. Don't think common sense here -
> remember, they are lawyers.

Well, how about a big boldface disclaimer for such dumbasses, similar to
the ones CNET and other Big Businesses use to wash their hands of link

For instance,

"Following the above link(s) will take you an {HTTP|FTP} server located
outside the United States, from which it is possible to download software
it is illegal to export from the United States.  There are no restrictions
by the United States Government on <i>importing</i> such software into the
United States.  If you are not a citizen and resident of the United States,
please familiarize yourself with regulations relevant to international file
transfer that are relevant to your country of citizenship and/or residence."

Wordy, I know, but it covers ITAR as I understand it.  I'm not a lawyer.

G. Branden Robinson                 |  America is at that awkward stage.  It's
Purdue University                   |  too late to work within the system, but
branden@purdue.edu                  |  too early to shoot the bastards.
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |  --Claire Wolfe

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