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Re: perl5.004 for bo

On 08-Jan-98 "James A. Treacy" wrote:
> I think everyone agrees that there should have been a new package prepared
> for bo.
> So we made a mistake. I'll never understand why free software gets
> held to higher standards than commercial software. If this were a
> Microsoft product everyone would just shrug their shoulders and get
> on with life because they know nothing will be done within a year
> (if at all).

Heheh, how true.  In fact, *do* hold Linux to a higher standard.  Why?
Because it has earned it!  This is really the first time in my three years
of use that Linux has really let me down when I needed it.  I been on the 
bleeding edge before, and pulled my hair out trying to get things to work, but 
that's the price to pay for bleeding edge technology.  OTOH, I'm not using
the bleeding edge any more, as I don't have the time to fuss with it.

> Everyone in Debian is a volunteer. We're working just as many hours (or
> more) as you and are doing this in our free time. And still, we manage to
> put out a high quality product with support that most companies can only
> dream about.

Indeed!  This is one reason I continue to promote Linux.  While I haven't used 
debian for very long, I have seen a very good product.   There are some ideas
in debian that just seem to make more sense.  

Indeed, again, thank you for the polite reply, written in the manner I am used
to seeing from Linux developers and other venues of support.  My intentions for
my communications is to spur on the project, and to speed up the patch.

To the group, let me say:  
Those of you who saw my first message as an attack or a flame, what nice little
utpoia of the planet do you come from?????   sheesh!  If that's all it takes
to ruffle your feathers, then you had better learn how to deal with it before
you have to deal with giving support in a job situation. (I'm not trying to say 
you're jobless or don't deal with support).  What I mean is,  customers calling
me on the phone are almost never as nice as that message.  Granted, I'm not 
paying you for support.  Why should that change your attitude?

The flames that came back at me only underscore the reason MIS refuses to 
accept Linux.  I guess you guys don't want business to start using debian, 
because believe me, there are people out there that can write much more
scorching flames than I can.   heck, I thought my message was more along
the line of a gripe or whine, not a flame!

David Morton         See my webpage for my public pgp key                 
E-Mail: mortonda@esuvm.emporia.edu           
WWW: http://thinker.emporia.edu/~mortonda/home.html
Date: 08-Jan-98 Time: 07:21:51  CST -600 GMT        

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