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X question

I recently installed a copy of Debian Linux I acquired through a subscription
to Boot Magazine and I'm havig trouble getting X configured.

I've been getting some help from a guy on the linux user's group
tells me that it is because /usr/X11R6/bin/X is linked to the wrong server,
I have an S3 ViRGE chipset, but for whatever reason X is trying to use
the S3 generic server, I tried re-running XF86Setup, but it doesn't update the
links, this is what he said:

  "Debian does some weird security thing with X.  They don't
have a symbolic link to the server like everybody else does.
I'm not sure how to set things up.  Anyhow, make sure you have
XF86_S3V in /usr/bin/X11 for starters.  I guess as a kludge
to get it working in the event that you don't figure out the
correct way to get debian to use the XF86_S3V server you can
just rename the XF86_S3V server to XF86_S3 or create a symbolic
link from XF86_S3 to XF86_S3V (ln -s XF86_S3V XF86_S3)."

do you have a better way?

any help would be appreciated.

Bill Bauer

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