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Re: .deb

eparis@ven.ra.rockwell.com (Eloy A. Paris) writes:

> Alien is for the other way around: to use packages from other
> distributions in Debian.
No, alien is very much more versatile than that:

alien: You must specify a file to convert.
Usage: alien [options ...] file
  file                      Packge file to convert.
  -d, --to-deb              Generate a Debian deb package. (default)
     Enables the following  option:
       --patch=<patch>      Specify patch file to use instead of automatically 
                            looking for patch in /var/lib/alien.
  -r, --to-rpm              Generate a RedHat rpm package.
  -t, --to-tgz              Generate a Slackware tgz package.
     Enables the following  option:
       --description=<desc> Specify package description.
  -i, --install             Install generated package.
  -g, --generate            Unpack, but do not generate a new package.
  -s, --single              Like --generate, but do not create .orig directory.
  -c, --scripts             Include scripts in package.
  -k, --keep-version        Do not change version of generated package.
  -h, --help                Display this help message.

                               Cheers, P. *8^)
   Paul Seelig                         pseelig@goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   My Homepage in the WWW at the URL http://www.uni-mainz.de/~pseelig 

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