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Re: Broken *deb's in hamm

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu> writes:

> Sten Anderson <sten@bergsoe.k-net.dk> writes:
> > I have tried downloading them from a different mirror with the same
> > result. Are these packages really bogus, or am I just cursed? I don't
> > rely on these packages, but dselect complains, and that is a little
> > annoying.  
> As far as I can tell, there are corrupted files on master.  I had to
> re-upload perl-tk (with a new revision) to fix the problem.

I downloaded a mirror of source yesterday and converted (most of) it
to bz2 files using a script. I got several packages that had trailing
spam in their gz files and some gz files were corrupted (mainly the
once mentioned in previous mails). I don't have a list, cause wasn't
watching it munch away on the packages on 16 comps parallel for
several hours during the night.

Esspecially anoying (for me) is xfishtank_2.2.orig.tar.gz for me,
cause the bin (or my X) is broken and I want to compile a debug
version of it.

Could somebody modify the upload scripts to check packages and source
files before moving them from incomming or is that to mauch cpu?

May the Source be with you.

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