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Re: ae's vi attempt on boot disks stomps on real vi symlink

rsr@lab.net (Ryan Smith-Roberts)  wrote on 11.05.97 in <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.96.970511091338.13744B-100000@crime.lab.net>:

> If it costs 60k or thereabouts, and cuts interactive install time by
> two-thirds for say 30% of the people who install Debian, isn't it worth
> it?  I would guess that's a much bigger payoff than most of the stuff
> in the base system, such as 'top'.

Sure. Only one problem: including vi there *does not* "cut interactive  
install time by two-thirds for say 30% of the people who install Debian".

My guess would be cut by 5% for 1% of the people. And that's really not  
worth it. (That's from the maybe 5% of people who have any reason at all  
to use an editor during that phase, 1/5 of them benefit from vi, the time  
they spend there probably isn't that much to begin with, and the  
improvement by having an editor they know, over an editor whose help is  
more than obvious, is even smaller.)

This thread is extremely silly.

MfG Kai

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