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Re: ae's vi attempt on boot disks stomps on real vi symlink

On Thu, 8 May 1997, Craig Sanders wrote:

> yes, it's a completely different editor. it just happens to be a very
> ugly one, as bad as pico or possibly worse (at least pico can delete a
> whole line with a single keystroke).

I happen to disagree with you.  For what it is, which is a very quick and
small editor (approx 20K last I looked) it does a HELL of a job being an
editor.  I love the way it lets me use the function keys.  I love the way
the Help system works.... just hit F1 to toggle it.

For the quick and dirty things ae was intended for, it isnt a *problem*
that you cant delete a line with a single keystroke.  Once you have debian
installed, nothing is preventing you from installing vi to your hearts
content.  Basically, you sound like sour grapes.  Let me put this thru
your thick skull.  vi *sucks*.  Emacs roxxens.  ae is the best at what it
does for what it is.  Got any more questions?  If so, email me privately
and quit complaining about one of the wiser decisions the hardworking
debian team has made to allow us to install our favorite OS more easily.

Because of ae's small size, it frees up space on the root diskette that vi
would have hogged, thus making many other small utilities unavailable.
And for those of us who arent grizzled oldbies, like, the 80% newbies who
are installing linux, ae's built in help is the greatest thing since
sliced bread.  And dont say "man vi" coz the man pages dont *fit* on the
root diskettes.



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