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Re: Should we implement a /etc/profile.d?

On May 1, Lars Wirzenius wrote
> If that is used at all, then it should be some implementation of
> ". /etc/profile.d/*.<syntax>", just like Red Hat does (as we were
> told). Also, there _must_ be a way for each user to allow them or
> not.¹
> But before we continue the discussion, perhaps someone could list
> examples of what this would be used for, so that we can see if it
> really would be useful. Otherwise this is just wishful thinking.

[Sorry I took so long to catch up on email.]

Primary reason is to enable software contained in a package.  Cannonical
example is to make sure path includes path needed by package in the
set of directories checked for user executables.

Most other instances should also have to do with setting environmental


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