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lyx_0.10.7-3 has been created.

Please cc any responses to me; I'm not on debian-devel any more.

I fooled around with the sources over the weekend, and have created
a third revision of LyX 0.10.7. This should deal with the outstanding
bugs in the current package.

Unfortunately, I no longer have an account on master (I resigned from
the project - as I think I have already stated - at the start of March,
due to university commitments), so I'd appreciate it if somebody could
upload it on my behalf. It's available via the Web, at the URL:


- contents are lyx_0.10.7-3.{diff.gz,dsc,_i386.changes,_i386.deb}.

Ta muchly. Cheers. (The .dsc and .changes are PGP signed, with the same
key I have used for previous uploads, if you're paranoid.. then again, if
you're paranoid, what proof have you that the previous uploads were signed
with my key? :-)

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