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Re: Should we implement a /etc/profile.d?

Lars Wirzenius wrote:

>If that is used at all, then it should be some implementation of
>". /etc/profile.d/*.<syntax>", just like Red Hat does (as we were
>told). Also, there _must_ be a way for each user to allow them or

Our computer center has something like that on a per-user setting.
Every user has a $HOME/.preferences file in a unified format (i.e.
ENV_VAR=value at the beginning of each line).  The global startup script
then calls a command which translates this into the appropriate syntax
for each shell.  For example, for /bin/sh, this is

		sed -e 's/^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)$/\1=\2; export \1;/'

This file is edited by a special command.

If we find a good solution of combining global and user-specific
settings (don't source the global file if there's a user-specific one?
user-specific settings override the global ones for variables?),
I think this kind of thing could be a good concept for handling the
environment variable issue.

BTW, there's at least one bug outstanding (#4130) which can only be
solved by setting an environment variable.
Thomas Koenig, Thomas.Koenig@ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de, ig25@dkauni2.bitnet.
The joy of engineering is to find a straight line on a double
logarithmic diagram.

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