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non-us packages


Is there a way of getting dselect to deal with non-us stuff in a sensible way ?

I would like to burn a CD with the non-us packages included.  I know I could 
create a non-us directory, and tell people that they should specify it as 
their ``local''.

Alternatively, I could put the individual packages into bo, contrib and 
non-free as appropriate and then run dpkg-scanpackages, but it's a shame that 
I (and anyone else doing the same) keep on having to do it, and it makes 
mirroring a pain.

Would it not be possible to have symbolic links in the main three pointing to 
non-us. i.e.:

  ln -s ../../../non-us/binary-i386/ssh_1.2.20-1.deb bo/binary-i386/net

so that one just needs to mirror the non-us directory into the same tree to 
get the whole thing to work.  This would also show people why some things are 
missing from the US distribution.

What needs to be done to stop the hanging links from causing a problem for 
people without the non-us directory ?

I suppose we could have a dummy non-us area on the ftp.debian.org site, with a 
dummy package (itar-sucks.deb ?) linked to the names of all the non-us 

Cheers, Phil.

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