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Re: Financial support

>>"Brian" == Brian Bartholomew <bb@wv.com> writes:

Brian> Pardon me for a nosy question.  Does Debian have any money
Brian> flowing in from users that is used to compensate full-time
Brian> Debian developers?

	Not that I'm aware of. Contributing to Debian, as a developer
 or otherwise, has been a volunteer effort. Red Hat has full time paid
 developers, Debian has generous volunteers.

 "I was brought up in the other service; but I knew from the first
 that the Devil was my natural master and captain and friend.  I saw
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 only from fear." Shaw, "The Devil's Disciple"
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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