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Re: Intend to take over wmaker, application?

On Sun, 28 Dec 1997, Joey Hess wrote:

> He's only been out of touch since 31 august. That's not too long in
> real world terms, esp. if he got hit hard by finals and then went on
> winter break. 

Being a student myself, I quite understand his situation.

> However, you might want to consider just doing non-maintainer releases
> for a few months

At some point I thought that would be the nicer thing to do. In fact the
packages I've just uploaded to a local ftp server carry a version
0.12.3-0.1. The maintainer field has my name 'cause I don't want to mix
things up and have ppl complaining to Neil because of my mistakes. To
make this a proper non-maintainer release I have to change that back to
"Neil ...", right? If I ever upload this to master, I'll do that.

> in case he shows up again, and spend some more time hunting him down
> and finding out if he wants to keep maintaining it.

I'll try to get in contact with him.
> I'd be happy to try any/all of these if you put them up for ftp someplace.

They are on:



To get the WindowMaker package going you'll need


and you may want wmaker-data_0.1_all.deb, too. Those are GPLed pixmaps. 
Right now the wmaker package doesn't include any, not even the GNUstep
logo. The dependencies for wmaker are: 

Depends: libc6, libjpegg6a, libpng0g, libproplist0, libtiff3g,
libwraster0 (>= 0.12.3-0.1), xlib6g (>= 3.3-5), xpm4g (>= 3.4j-0),
zlib1g, cpp

I've tested this version for a couple of weeks, and it works for me. 
I've been fine tunning the package, and it's usable now ;-) Be sure to
read README.debian (Ok, ok, I have to work on the documentation) 


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