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Re: Re^2: intent to package: doom!

On 28 Dec 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> Marco> But non-free is mirrored on several FTP servers in Germany. And
> Marco> a child could download the games from a German FTP server and
> Marco> this is not allowed.

Would it be allowed for us to have a non-duetch directory,  which just
wouldn't get mirrored (be default) in Germany?  That way,  if a child gets
it, they've got to get it from someplace outside Germany,  which the
German government can't hope to control.

It's going to get nuts if we have to have a non-<wherever> directory for
every country,  but maybe we'll have to do this.  If that's the case,
maybe they should be seperate distributions,  like "contrib" and
"non-free",  so dpkg can keep track of them.  I know that dpkg isn't used
in the mirror process,  but having this information stored someplace in
the package file itself (other than in the description and COPYRIGHT)
might be useful for other scripts,  etc...

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