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Re: Emacs20 and mail file locking.

>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu> writes:

    Rob> OK, then I'll assume that we want to hack emacs to use
    Rob> liblockfile.  This requires repeatedly calling touchlock() to
    Rob> keep the lockfile from being deleted during the period when
    Rob> the lock is being held.  I think this may be a problem if
    Rob> emacs grabs the lock (with maillock()), and then the user
    Rob> suspends the program for more than 5 minutes (the default
    Rob> timeout for maillock).  When emacs resumes, the lockfile has
    Rob> been deleted, but emacs still thinks it has the lock.

 Please see the functions I wrote for working with `smartlist'
 run-control files, at:


 ... That's tested in XEmacs; it shouldn't be too hard to port to GNU

 If you hack XEmacs to use liblockfile, will you please conditionalize
 it somehow and submit the patches to the xemacs-beta team?

    Rob> The only simple way I can see around this problem is to have
    Rob> emacs spawn a small process to keep touching the lockfile
    Rob> (every 4 minutes or so) whenever it acquires the lock, and
    Rob> kill that process when the lock is released.  Does that seen
    Rob> reasonable to everyone else?

 That's essentially what my code does, using `itimer', `call-process'
 and the `touch' program.

 I don't think that Emacs ever locks a mail spool file itself.
 `movemail' does that, and it already does dot-locking...  Well, I
 know that the XEmacs version does.  I assume that the GNU Emacs one
 does as well.  If not, there's probably no reason why you can't use
 the XEmacs version of `movemail' with both emacsen.

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