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ever heard of ftwalk?

dear debian-developers,

i've written a freeware package, an awk-like script programming language.
it was originally developed for file tree search/maintenance applications,
so i called it "ftwalk". a more awk-like mode also exists, called "hawk". it
has a rich type system, scads of built-in functions, etc. it does pretty much
everything perl does, except of course it doesn't have millions of users or
their libraries. it can be used interactively, like a super-calculator. it comes
with full on-line doc, and there is a huge postscript file that you can print
out. i even have an o'reilly-like pocket guide. it has been ported to several
unix systems (linux, irix, solaris, ultrix, aix).

the problem is: nobody has heard of ftwalk, nobody uses it, and i've grown
weary of trying to do it all myself. but i still think it's too good to just
away from, so please take a look at it. let me know what you think. and if
you have any interest in helping to work on it, i'm game for at least one more
release. please take a look at:


thanks. you can write me back at thull@netway.com.

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