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Re: Service registration

Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@datasync.com> writes:

> 	This will not work for packages like Gnus, bbdb, w3,
>  hyperbole, vm, and psgml, since the compilation requires selectively
>  preloading some files, or even running complex build-scripts during
>  the compilation of the elisp files.

Well, I think Guy's proposal has a lot of merit, but it just may not
be the *whole* solution.  As pointed out, though I haven't looked at
the Gnus Makefile in detail, things like Gnus have a complicated build
process that may involve more than just byte-compiling to handle
several emacsen.

In cases like that, it may make sense to do much of the work at
pacakge build time.  Then you might be able to end up with a package
that containes all of the non-.elc stuff for each emacs, and then use
the service registration procedure and appropriate hooks to handle the
.elc generation.

I guess what I'm saying is that Guy's proposal may be a good general
purpose approach that can be used to completely solve simple cases
(for emacs and other packages like menu, etc), and, when supported by
some other work outside the scope of the service registration process,
may be able to handle the more complex emacs cases as well.

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
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