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Re: ppp's ip-{up,down} and possible utilization of 'run-parts'

Adam P. Harris writes:
 > I think that /etc/ppp/ip-up and /etc/ppp/ip-down should use
 > 'run-parts' against, say, the directories /etc/ppp/ip-{up,down}.d/.
 > This would allow, for instance, MTA packages to ship little scripts to
 > flush the mail queue when the link comes up, pop-deamons to start up,

I had the idea of adding such actions (flush mailqueue, fetch mail,
etc.) to my ip-up, but I didn't do that.

This is because some of these actions (eg. mail fetching) may be quite
long to complete, and may act badly if interupted by a 'poff'
(eg. fetched messages from the interupted session not erased from my
POP account - guess it's a security feature in fetchmail).

The solution I used was to manually ask to fetch my mail.  Another
would be to have a (hopefully generic) mean of forcing the line to
stay up while such an action is taking place. But I'm not sure it
would be a good solution either, since fetching 200 mails/day from the
debian lists takes some time, and then the user would be compelled to
want till fetch is done.

In other words:  

* we can't decide for the sysadmin what actions will take place on

* if we build such a system, a standard way of disabling parts of
these directories (maybe like what /etc/init.d/rc allows with 'S' and
'K' names ?)

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