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news gateways

> Chris says that all of the mailing lists are gatewayed one-way only,
> and there is no mention of the list address in the headers. Thus, he
> thinks that the people who are finding our list by mistake are doing
> it through some other means. Does this mean that they are finding it
> through our own WWW archives of the mailing lists? Do we need to add
> something there to keep them from being indexed?

That's quite possible, and we should do something about it.  However,
I still feel that we should shut down general USENET gateways of our
development lists.

The whole point about having a mailing list instead of a newsgroup is
nullified by the gateway.  This is about visibility.  We _want_ our
internal development lists to be less visible, so that we can use them
for development rather than external enquiries.

Furthermore, we want information and addresses that appear on our
internal lists to stay internal.  For example, they contain email
addresses of package maintainers (which are sometimes not the same
addresses as they usually use, and which can bypass spamfilters) and
other administrative people in the project.  They contain internal
development and political discussion which would cause confusion and
FUD if shown to the world.

There's no need for this information to be secret, but gatewaying into
linux.* is announcing it to the world.  People who want this
information can subscribe to our open development list.

Bruce, please stick with your decision to ask Christoph to close down
the gateways for all but debian-user.


TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
debian-devel-request@lists.debian.org . 
Trouble?  e-mail to templin@bucknell.edu .

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