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Emacs 20 volunteer wanted

I'd promised to package up emacs 20 at some point (since that would
save the hassle of going back and forth to sure emacs19 and xemacs*
would all coexist :-) but I recently joined a new startup company, and
with some of the other projects eating my personal time, I'm just not
going to have time to do it.  Would someone like to volunteer to
package *and maintain* emacs20?  [If you're also interested in taking
over emacs19, I'd consider doing a final release of my remaining
changes and handing it off too, but this is not a requirement.]

This is not a beginner's project -- though it was one of the first
packages I worked on for debian, it was mostly because the previous
maintainer had run out of time and was 3 releases behind.  There are
some interesting challenges (like making sure .elc files get rebuilt
when you patch the .el, since you can't patch the [binary] elc
files... oops, that's not actually working in emacs19 either :-) and
the multi-emacs interaction creates some constraints of its own.

I'll note that there's no basis for me having any *authority* in this
regard -- but I'll ask you to email me to volunteer anyway (please
mention what other packages you maintain or what other things you do
for debian, and how much time you think you'll have...)  It shouldn't
be a *huge* time commitment (though emacs20 is a moving target, so
it'll be more of an issue than emacs19) but it is a bit subtle.

			_Mark_ <eichin@kitten.gen.ma.us>
			The Herd of Kittens
			Debian Emacs (and X, and too much else) Maintainer

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