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Re: Libc6 progress: 1997-11-23

In article <Pine.LNX.3.95.971124023928.25298A-100000@odin.waw.com>,
	Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com> writes:

>> Let's just move them to contrib. I actually know someone who is using an
>> a.out binary (an old version of the BRU commercial backup program), and has
>> a otherwise libc6 hamm system.
> 'contrib' should not be used for old/unsupported packages anymore.
> These should go in either 'oldlibs' or 'project/orphaned'.

If we were continuing to support them, then oldlibs is where they'd go. As
we're not, project/orphaned may be better. On the other hand, that makes it
difficult for people to install them, and the a.out runtime stuff is likely
to be useful for a few people who don't want to dig around on our ftp site
to find it.

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