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Re: postresql packages

"Oliver Elphick" <olly@lfix.co.uk> writes:

> What is the official line?  If necessary, please file a bug report.

In the end, substantial portions of this will up to your discretion.

If the admin binaries are expected to be run by the admin rather than
just internally by postgres, then they should go in /usr/sbin rather
than /usr/lib/postgres.  If their names are too "common" they may need
adjustment.  i.e. "update" would be too general a name.

If the include headers are designed for people who want to compile
programs using postgres, then they should go in /usr/include/, and if
there are a bunch of them, or if the names are too common, they should
go in /usr/include/postgres/.

Similar policy applies for the libs.  If they are for people who want
to compile programs using postgres, then they really need to go
directly into /usr/lib, and you need to check out the policy manual
about how to properly include the libraries so that ld.so will do the
right thing.

In the end, since you're providing headers and libs, you probably
ought to produce several packages, at least postgresql and
postgresql-dev.  See the way other packages handle this for examples.

But for now, one package is fine.  Let's just finally get this thing
out there.

> This is history:  POSTGRES became Postgres95, which in turn became
> PostgreSQL.  The upstream source uses `postgres', and the obsoleted
> package postgres95 did, so I did too.

Ah, makes sense.  Just make sure that at least the doc files (README,
etc) go in /usr/doc/package-name.

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
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