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Re: Intention to package: ruari-diff and gcal

Christian Schwarz <schwarz@monet.m.isar.de> writes:

> What does "ruari" stand for? :-)

Ruari Quinn was (is? (Nikita?)) an Irish Politician.  I was looking
for a name and he happened to be on the news at the time.

> Wouldn't a more intuitive name be better?

Maybe, but I can't think of one.

> For example, "packages-diff", "diff-packages", etc.

It doesn't diff just Packages files, it compares a Packages file and a
status file and it doesn't exactly diff them in the same way diff
does.  "packages-status-diff" or "diff-packages-status" doesn't seem
nice.  (BTW, dftp isn't the most intuitive name in the world either :)

Basically if you/anyone can think of a reasonable, accurate and more
intuitive name, I'll be happy to use it.


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