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Re: New bug Severity for release-goals?

Mark Baker wrote:
> > * Use PAM within authentication programs [13]
> We decided not to do that for 2.0 didn't we?

I don't know, I just copied these from the last time they occur in my
archives (Sep 8).  They're probably outdated, but I don't know where
to find the current release goals.  (We do have them, don't we? ;-)

> > * Link shared libs against other shared libs instead of static [14]
> What you mean is `link shared libs so they contain dependency information'.
> If you don't do that, ldd says `statically linked' but that's just a very
> misleading error, since libraries are never statically linked.

I let imake sort that out for me when I did the non-maintainer release
of xaw95.  (ldd gave satisfactory results).  What exactly needs to be
changed to the build process to achieve this?  I can't find the
details in the policy document or the packager's manual.

> I would add library doesn't contain dependency information to that, i.e.
> libcompface is definitely not releasable.

Do you mean "doesn't include a shlibs file" here?  I checked my packages
file, and libcompfaceg1 does depend on libc6.

There are probably a number of packages that still need libc5 but don't
declare the dependency.  Forgetting to invoke dpkg-shlibdeps in the
rules file is an easy mistake to make.  I've been trying to think of 
ways to find such packages automatically.

> > The only thing missing is a good name for this severity.  Brian White
> > used "critical" but that is already taken.  "release-critical" is too
> > long,
> Is it? I imagine most of these bugs will be generated by scripts, so the
> fact that it takes too long to type isn't a problem.

The problem is not one of typing, but of presenting the information.

  * Overdue critical, grave, release-critical, and normal bugs, and wishlist

See?  It does not fit on one line, and the repetition of "critical" is
awkward.  The name seems to lack focus.  The programmer in me doth
protest :-)

I think I'd like "releasegoal".  The phrase "releasegoal bugs" seems to work.
(Most of them aren't bugs except in the releasegoal sense; a libc5-based
package works fine on a libc5 system.)

Richard Braakman

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