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Re: Intention to package: ruari-diff and gcal

Bruce Perens <bruce@va.debian.org> writes:

> Can you make your diff tool compare _two_ FTP archives with each
> other?

Well you could certainly feed it the Packages files from two different
ftp sites. Currently that would only tell you about out-of-date
packages, making it also tell you about non-existent packages would be
a trivial change.

_But_, it is Packages files based, it doesn't look at what actually is
on the ftp site.  So if the Packages file gets out of sync for
whatever reason, it becomes useless.  And if you want to compare more
than what's in the Packages file, it's of no use.

Is a Packages-file based tool what you want?  Or did you want to
something actually look at what's on the ftp site.


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