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Bug system available by email

Several people have said that they've had problems mirroring the bug
system because it's such a lot of small files, which is true.

Are any of you willing to run a mail->web gateway ?  I have a set of
scripts which parse messages from the bug system and update a local
HTML mirror.  This is how the mirror on chiark - the most reliable one
- operates.

The scripts are not very consumptive of processor or memory; obviously
you need enough disk for the bug mirror.  The mail traffic is just
diffs and so is much smaller than you'd have to transfer using wwwget
or some such.

Also, this system can operate entirely offline and in batchmode.  What
would be really good is to have it packaged as a Debian package.  We
could put it in `extra' and have it automatically subscribe you to the
gateway list ...


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