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Re: Red Hat 5.0 Release date

mbaker@iee.org (Mark Baker) wrote:
> How useful would it be for the boot disc to be internationalised? I wouldn't
> have thought there'd be room, and I'm not sure it's necessary. I'd be happy
> using a boot disc (so long as it was only teh boot disc) that was entirely
> in french or german, and I've never heard of anyone likely to use debian
> whose english is worse than my french or german.

Well, I know of many people that would really appreciate an internationalized 
boot disk set.  To give you just an example, I spend a lot of time trying to 
promote Debian amongst the students here at the university I work for.  They 
are all native Spanish speakers who only have a general academic knowledge of 
english.  Of course, things would be much easier for me and for them, if we 
had a set of boot disks and installation documentation in Spanish.  That would 
eliminate a lot of the problems people find when installing Debian (and 
generally, Linux) for the first time.

I18n as a really important issue for a system that (at least as far as I understand) is meant to be useful to a wide range of people all around the world.  Please don't regard it as a secondary item.

M. S.
Martin A. Soto J.                           Profesor
Departamento de Ingenieria de Sistemas y Computacion
Universidad de los Andes      masoto@uniandes.edu.co

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