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Re: Linus speaks

In article <m0xYGED-00J4hDC@golem.pixar.com> you wrote:
: I had dinner with Linus and some kernel hackers yesterday. When I gave
: him a hard time about his "pragmatist" interview being used to justify
: non-free software, he was suprised, and said "You can quote me to
: justify any point in the world".

Sounds kind of a simplistic exgaggeration of the issue. Linus is definitely for free
software but also for tolerance of projects of a commercial nature contributing to
Linux. I wonder what "justify non-free software" means? It does not have the right
to exist?

Seems that some other posts I made have vanished and never appeared on debian-devel.
Let me just clarify the following, summarizing those posts:

- I have never advocated changing the free nature of the debian main distribution.

- I think the antagonistic style of dealing with non-free software is against
  the spirit of the Social Contract. Non-free software distribution on our ftp
  sites has always been a part of Debian.

- Statements such as "we are always right" are plainly naive and give the
  impression that we are a bunch of strange people not to be taken earnestly rather
  than a serious Unix distribution.

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