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Re: Selling Artistic License Software (WAS: Re: non-DFSG section and CD distributers)

From: Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net>
> I understand completely how this works, but the principle is flawed.
> You have to ask yourself, "If all software were licensed under these terms
> would it be free?". My answer would be no, because there would be no
> "software that can be sold" to "aggregate" with.

This argument is invalid because nothing prevents you from creating such

> This license specifically says, "you can not sell this software". It
> provides loopholes, like aggregation, copying fees and support, as avenues
> for making money, but I view them as slightly dishonest. The "can not
> sell" clause is a distribution restriction, and for me, makes the package
> less free.

Well, they do state a license provision and immediately invalidate it.
I would call it sloppy rather than dishonest. It is no doubt the result of a
compromise between parties drawing up the license.

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