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Re: non-DFSG section and CD distributers

>>"Paul" == Paul J Thompson <thomppj@thomppj.student.okstate.edu> writes:

Paul> and now we'll quote the dictionary?  anyone (Manoj) what's the
Paul> Webster definition of free?

Paul> I'm serious too, I want to hear it here...

	Glad to oblige. The definition is long, and unlike dogma, has
 multiple meaning, and shades of meanings. Something like the DFSG is
 needed to qualify it to make clear exactly what you mean. There are
 44 meaning (please persevere to the end, there is more after the
 definition, and if I spent the time to write it, you can at least
 read it)
  1. enjoying personal rights or liberty, as one not in slavery
  2. pertaining to or reserved for those who enjoy personal liberty
  3. existing under, characterized by, or possessing civil and
     political liberties that are, as a rule, constitutionally
     guaranteed by representative government.
  4. enjoying political independence, as a people or a country not
     under foreign rule.
  5. exempt from external authority, interference, restriction, etc.,
     as a person, the will, thought, choice, action, etc; independent;
  6. able to do something at will; at liberty;
* 7. not subject to special regulations, restrictions, duties, etc
  8. not literal, as a translation, adaptation, or the like
  9. not subject to rules, set forms, etc.
 10. clear of obstructions or obstacles, as a road, corridor, etc.
 11. not occupied or in use
 12. exempt or released from something specified that controls,
     restrains, burdens, etc. (usually followed by from or of)
 13. having immunity or being safe (usually followed by from)
 14. uncombined chemically
*15. that may be used by or is open to all
 16. engaged in by all present; genral (free fight, for example)
 17. unimpeded, as motion or movement; easy, firm, or swift
 18. loose, not held fast; unattached
 19. not joined to or in contact with something else;
 20. acting without self restraint or reserve
 21. frank and open; unconstrained; unceremonious, or familiar
 22. unrestrained by decency; loose or licentious
 23. ready in giving; liberal; lavish
 24. given readily or in profusion; unstinted
*25. given without consideration of a return, as a gift
-26. provided without, or not subject to, a charge or payment
 27. at liberty to enter and enjoy at will (usually followed by of)
 28. easily worked, as stone, land, etc
 29. [Nautical] (of a wind) nearly on the quarter, so that a sailing
     vessel may sail free.
 30. [Phonetical] (of a vowel) actuated in an open syllable (as
     opposed to checked)
 31. traveling without power; under no force except that of gravity or
 32. [Math] (of a vector) having specified magnitude and direction but
     no specified initial point.
 33. *free and clear* [Law] without any encumberance, as a lien or
 34. *free and easy*
       a) unrestrained; casual; informal
       b) excessively or inappropriately casual; presumptuous
 35. *set free* to release, liberate, free.
 36. *with a free hand* fenerously; freely; openhandedly
 37. in a free manner; freely
-38. without cost or charge
 39. [Nautical] away from the wind so that the vessel need not be
 40. *make free with*
       a) to use as one's own; help oneself to
       b) to treat with too much familiarity; to take liberties with.
 41. to make free; set at liberty; release from bondage, imprisonment,
     or restraint.
 42. to exempt or deliver (usually followed by from)
 43. to relieve or rid (usually followed by of)
 44. to disengage (usually followed by from or of)
*45. The DFSG ;-)

>> Yes, of course. The material is still there when needed, but we do
>> not have to promote it.

Paul> Invalid -- some of the software is perfectly good software whose
Paul> authors are just as softwarily ethical as those of some of our
Paul> favorite DFSG authors.

	Free or not free makes no value judgement on software, or on
 how ethical the authors are.

Leland> I think there is a fear that non-DFSG software may become
Leland> popular, and threaten the existence of "truly free" software.
>>  Believe me, it is not stuff in non free we have to be scared about
>> then. Guess what is the wrold's most popular OS?

Paul> Then why are we so pointlessly negative towards our non-free
Paul> branch?

	Because we wish to promote the free parts ;-)

Paul> They _are_ words, not the ten commandments.  Not the word of
Paul> God.  Just a bunch of rules made up a qyite a while ago, not
Paul> really ratified (and I've heard the story hear...), of which the
Paul> group has changed since then...

	If I were not scared of offending the Judia-christian members
 of this forum, I would say that the DFSG is as much the word of God
 (ess?) as the 10 commandments are. (And personally, more practical to

	And it was determined 4 months ago, and not in the faint mists
 of time, as you seem to imply.

	It was voted upon by the whole developer community, and passed
 70-2 (and one of the opponents thought the DFSG was not free
 enough). How else can it be ratified, pray?

 "One thing they don't tell you about doing experimental physics is
 that sometimes you must work under adverse conditions... like a state
 of sheer terror." Hartmann
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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