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Re: non-DFSG section and CD distributers

>>>>  ps. Have we started making prospective maintainers look at the DFSG
>>>>  yet?
>>> Yes, all new maintainers are asked if they have read and understood
>>> the Debian social contract.
>> Great. Just like acceptance to the Youth Communist League. :(
> The purpose of having all new maintainers to read the DFSG is to not have
> to discuss them *every two months*, as it has happened during the last
> months since it was approved.
> [ BTW: This has nothing to do with communism: In fact the DFSG state
> clearly that you can not *restrict* the amount of money others can charge
> for distributing free software :-]

So is the concept of this to:

a) convert them to DFSG before they have a chance to think about what
they actually say?  or to...

b) keep out possible developers who might happen to disagree.

This will really accomplish little.  People coming in cannot possibly understand the true concept of the DFSG/social contract until they have experieced it from the list.  And then, when they realize what they really mean, they will either agree or disagree, of which case we will have to discuss this *evry two monthes* anyways.

Maybe we should deal with the source of the problem by revising
DFSG/social contract a little.  And then have the new people read them
upon joining.

A lot of you may be asking "Why do we need to revise them?"

The Answer: Because, while they do talk about free software and what
we, as Debian, stands for, they do not really express the true meaning
of what we are.  They could be worded better and nicer and clearer.

And then we need to make them a more upfront part of a newbies
experience of Debian.

If the DFSG/social contract is what we, as Debian, stand for...and if
someone who has decided to become a Debian developer hasn't ran across
them on our web site, installed system, etc, then we aren't
representing ourselves properly by making them up front enough.

Brought to you by the letters E and K and the number 9.

Paul J. Thompson <thomppj@thomppj.student.okstate.edu>

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