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Report on personal contribution to deity

	When I joined the Deity team, I made a commitment to keeping
 the membership at large informed about things happening behind the
 scenes, as it were, at least as far as I'm concerned. This is less
 important now than it was then, since the deity list has been opened
 (the digest version, that is), and interested people can follow the
 nitty gritty details. However.

	After a hiatus (due to a month from hell with moving into a
 new house and the renovators running behind schedule), I am back in
 the saddle, and have been discussing data structures for performing
 the ordering of packages tagged for purge/removal and packages meant
 to be installed/upgraded. In order to nail down the data structures,
 I have to settle on an algorithm for a topological sort, and I have
 the two most common methods outlined below, with twists for handling
 pre-dependencies (I have yet to incorporate configure now! directive,
 as well as removals)
	Any comments appreciated. 

 Algorithm a: (for packages being installed, removal is similar)
 # First generate the indegree of all package-versions
 1 For each package-versions which are candidates for installation; do
 2     for each dependency, predependency, and packages we are
       replacing, and, optionally, packages that have recommended or
       suggested us. set indegree
 3           package::indegree++;
 4     done
 5 done

 6 For each package-versions which are candidates for installation; do
 7     if indegree == 0; then
 8          push on todo list
 9     endif
10 done
	If there is nothing in the todo list, we had a cycle!! (handle
11 while there is a todo list; do
12     pop package off a to do list
13     if we are in uncleared predependent list; then
14        insert a break in processing marker on ordered list
15        clear uncleared predependent list
16     endif
17     push onto ordered list
18     remove from candidates list
19     for each target (reverse dependencies!) of depends and
               predepends, and packages we suggest or recommend
20         reduce indegree of target
21         if indegree of target == 0;
22             push target on todo list
23          endif
24     done
25 done

26 If not empty candidates list; there is a cycle!
Algorithm B: Depth first search. (again, for packages being installed)

 1 For each package-versions which are candidates for installation; do
 2   Color each node white
 3 done

 4 For each package-versions which are candidates for installation; do
 5     if color of node is white; then
 6	  Visit (Vertex)
 7     endif
 8 done

 9 color node Gray
10 for each dependency, predependency, and packages we are
       replacing, and, optionally, packages that have recommended or
       suggested us.
11     if dependency is predepends, 
12        add node to list of predepends
13     endif
14     if color of dependency is white (else this was a cycle!)
15          visit (dependent)
16     endif
17 done
18 if we are in the list of predepends
19     add a break event on the ordered list
20  endif
21  add node to order list

	What I like about algorithm B is that it is simpler to code
 (but not by much), what I like about the first is that one has some
 determination in how to break the cycle (search for the node with
 minimum indegrtee, and snip a link, preferably a suggests link or a
 recommends link). In the second algorithm one just follows predepends
 first, then depends, and so on, and hopes for the best about cycle

	Also, the second method does not call for reverse dependencies
 as algorithm one does.

 "I hate the itching.  But I don't mind the swelling." new buzz
 phrase, like "Where's the Beef?" that David Letterman's trying to get
 everyone to start saying
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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