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Re: Need interim or permanent libc6 maintainer

David Engel will take care of the next Debian GLIBC 2 release. That's
great, because David was our LIBC5 maintainer and already has experience
with GLIBC 2. Adam, we might need you later, as David is willing to make
a few non-maintainer releases but might not want the job permanently if
Helmut doesn't resurface.

From: Ulrich Drepper <drepper@ipd.info.uni-karlsruhe.de>
> Whoever does the work should contact me so that I can add her/him to
> the list.  2.0.6-pre1 gets released today.

That's excellent! Having a 2.0.6 is much better than having us hunt
through the mailing list archive for old patches. Thank you very much
for doing this, Ulrich!

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