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Re: Raw list of overlaps between hamm and bo


>Overlap hamm/psgml_1.0.1-6 and bo/xemacs-support_19.14-1:
>   usr/info/psgml.info.gz
>xemacs-support has branched into xemacs-support19 and xemacs-support20.
>I can offer no suggestions about this overlap.

	psgml is a emacs only package, and it does not conflict with
 hamm packages. I seem to remember that Xemacs has it's own location
 for info files, just so there is no conflict between Emacs and
 XEmacs. This problem is an artifact of Bo/Xemacs conflicting with
 Bo/Emacs, this has since been resolved (XEmacs in hamm puts info
 files elsewhere). I am unsure how to proceed with this.

>Overlap hamm/perl_5.004.02-1 and bo/CGI-modules_2.75-13:
>   usr/lib/perl5/CGI.pm
>   usr/lib/perl5/CGI/Carp.pm
>   usr/lib/perl5/CGI/Fast.pm
>   usr/lib/perl5/CGI/Push.pm
>   usr/man/man3/CGI.3pm.gz
>   usr/man/man3/CGI::Carp.3pm.gz
>   usr/man/man3/CGI::Fast.3pm.gz
>   usr/man/man3/CGI::Push.3pm.gz

	CGI-modules is an obsolete package, and I'll the replacement
 libcgi-perl diverts the conflicting files away. Again, I'm not sure
 how to proceed here.


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