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Re: Political policymaking

> Phil Hands:
>     IMHO if we do anything in this direction, we should go for a
>     general purpose opinion gathering system, and let anyone on the
>     list put up proposals on any subject by mailing to something like
>     cfv@lists.debian.org.
> Note that there is a polling system for our use at buoy.com (Tim Sailer
> can tell you about it). I would not object to someone establishing
> themselves as a pollster and conducting a monthly "straw poll" of an
> _advisory_ nature. If it's more than monthly, I think everyone would get
> bored with it and we'd have poor response.

OK, so how do I set up an instant vote proposing that we kill this thread ? ;-)

Rather than have a formal poll, why not allow anyone to post a simple call for 
votes, and if they manage to encapsulate the majority view we'll find out when 
the votes roll in.

If nobody votes, that tells us something else (although I'm not sure what 
precisely), and it costs us almost nothing (once we've got the systems set up).

OK, let us try this now --- to express your opinion of the ``votes when you 
feel like it'' idea, send mail to something like:

if it makes you feel better.  Just make sure the address starts with cfv-

and I'll tell you what happens in a day or two.

I'm just logging the From: and To: addresses, so there's not much point 
putting a subject or body in the message.

Cheers, Phil. 

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