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PostgreSQL - proposed package

Being now convinced that the previous maintainer(s) of Postgres95 have passed
from the scene, I propose to make a package of PostgreSQL, its successor.
If anyone objects, please speak up!

Being fairly new to the packaging business, I should like some advice on a
few matters:

1. postgres95 divided the upstream source into 4 sections: postgres95,
   postgres95-dev, libpq1 and postgres95-doc. While I can see the point of
   most of these, I am not sure of libpq1: would it be acceptable to
   bundle the library in with the development system?

2. PostgreSQL provides interfaces for C (libpq), C++ and TCL.  Should
   these be separate packages or can they again be merged into the
   development package?

3. What should be done with the software in PostgreSQL's contrib area?

Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight                                  http://lfix.co.uk/oliver

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