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bigphys area patch

On Mon, 3 Nov 1997, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:

: > Let me indulge you for a second: I noticed that you guys added the
: > bigphysarea patch to the 2.0.30 kernel. I wrongly assumed that this was
: > part of the STANDARD kernel distribution.  When I downloaded the 2.0.31
: > kernel from a different source, I was unpleasantly surprised that the
: > patch wasn't there anymore - i rely on it so my framegrabber works.
: > Now I am wondering whether the bigphys area patch will work with newer
: > kernels.
: oh, you better read announcements, at least cola :
: they announced a new version, but wrote that the patch is still for
: 2.0.30, and they work on a 2.0.31 and 2.1.x version.

could you give me some more information on this ?  (copies of
annoucements, the actual patch file for 2.0.30 ?)

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