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Re: Wierd crashes

On Fri, 31 Oct 1997 liiwi@dlc.fi wrote:

>  It might not be the CPU, but the regulators near it. 'Extra fans on a case 
>  never hurt anybody' :) And the amount the CPU cools down in seconds
>  is a lot smaller than it heats up in ....umm...  longer time. 
How would I go about adding more fans?
>  You don't have any logentries about or near this showing anything?
mail and message logs seem to be ok.  Not sure what else to check.
>  OTOH it might be something through the net, some drivers (2.0.31??)
I'm using kernel 2.0.30 -- I've heard bad things about it but never (till
now) expereinced any problems.  Is this possibly the cause?


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|               You say "Love is a temple.  Love the higher law."        |
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|	                   When all you got is hurt.                     |

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