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Re: Debian Installation

Henrik "Mvllberg" <mollberg@tkj.se> writes:

> The recommendation to backup the hard drive before the installation, is
> that if I makes something wrong when I choose wich partition to put
> Linux on, or is there any other reasons?? 

There are always potential dangers to data integrity when
repartitioning a disk and installing new partition tables, no matter
what OS you use.  Backing up is a good way to safeguard your data when
you engage in such actions.

That said, I have never once backed up my disk before installing
Debian and have never lost any data.

Basically, the thing that's being said is that with only a few
mistaken keystrokes, you can wipe out gigabytes of data in a matter of
seconds (if you delete the wrong partition, for instance.)

> I do not have any possibilities to backup my HD before the installation.
> //Henrik
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