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Re: Packaging a *LARGE* dictionary

>>"Vincent" == Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com> writes:

Vincent> I like the idea, however if we package a dictionary for each
Vincent> native language of Debian developpers, we'll end up with a 3
Vincent> CD Debian distribution (Binary + Sources + Dictionaries)...

Vincent> NB: Maybe we should also package a backup of Internet. _(;


	I understand the arguments delineated above, but still, a real
 dictionary/thesaurus for Debian is quite tempting. Say, 30M times
 3. Ulp. What about another section, say, caled dict? everything in it
 can be extra. 

	You can even choose not to put it in the "Official
 CD". Anyway, by the time we finally release this, maybe DVD shall
 make the mullti-CD thing go away ;-)

 "To be against abortion and not against contraception -- it makes no
 sense because both of them are the same mentality." Nancy O'Brien,
 Anti-Choice Activist, introducing Joan Andrews, 3/11/89, as quoted in
 "The Far Right, Speaking For Themselves," a Planned Parenthood
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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